Aminu Muazu Maifata Assures People Of Maximum Attention To Uplift Lafia To Enviable hight

The Chairman of Lafia Local Government Hon. Aminu Muazu Maifata has assured the people of Lafia that he will do his best to ensure Lafia gets the best attention from ALGON National Headquarters. Speaking while welcoming his friends and associates who paid him Sallah homage in his residence in Lafia, Hon. Aminu Muazu Maifata said that Lafia has done a lot for him and assured that he will, in return, do a lot for Lafia and the people of Lafia. “I will not relent until I am fully satisfied that I have uplifted Lafia to an enviable height.” While promising to use his position as ALGON National President to assist the people of Lafia in terms of empowerment, Hon Aminu Muazu Maifata who is also the Jarimi of Lafia and the National President of ALGON observed that he attained the position of number one chairman of local government in the whole federation through the support of the people of Lafia. “The support I am receiving from people in Lafia is so overwhelming that I cannot turn back on the people, especially my friends and associates.” He seizes the opportunity of the visit to call on the people of Lafia and the entire state to continue to give their maximum support and cooperation to Engr. Abdullahi Sule and President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, saying that without people’s support, nothing meaningful could be achieved. He thanked the Emir of Lafia, Justice Sidi Bage Muhammad, for the fatherly role he is playing towards uniting the people of Lafia and the entire Nasarawa. Earlier, the leader of the delegation, Alh. Garba Rosha Mohammed, who is the Permanent Secretary of the of the Ministry of Environment in Nasarawa State, stressed that the visit was to congratulate him for peaceful Sallah celebrations and to commend him for the efforts he is putting towards moving Lafia to the next stage of development. He briefed him on the level of preparedness for hosting him to a civic reception on his election as National President of ALGON. Alh. Garba Rosha Mohammed pointed out that the election of Hon. Aminu Muazu Maifata as National President of ALGON was by no means an achievement, requiring his friends and associates to organize a befitting reception to honor this achievement, stressing that this achievement was not only for the people of Lafia or Nasarawa State, but it was an achievement for the entire North Central States.

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